Saturday, April 20, 2013

This week on the PS Vita Store: Dragon Fantasy Book I, and... well, that's about it really

PlayStation Vita PS Vita, thumbnail 1

On account of some PSN maintenance, this week's PS Vita Store update is a day late. We apologise. Sony apologises.

To be honest, though, it wasn't worth the extra wait.

That's because there's absolutely nothing new of note in the PlayStation Store this week. Well, there's an interesting demo up for grabs, but that's about it.

Let's not beat around the bush. Let's get this over and done with, folks.

Full-price releases

European Vita owners: nothing here, I'm afraid. Zip. Zippy. Zippo.

There's a demo available for blood and gore action game Soul Sacrifice, which is obviously pretty rad. Still, it IS just a demo.

Americans, meanwhile, can get their hands on Dragon Fantasy Book I, a retro RPG in which you fight your way through caves, castles, and dungeons.

For $9.99, you get both the PS3 and Vita versions. Not a bad deal at all if the game turns out to be fun. We should have a review of this up on the site for you soon.

And that's about it.

PlayStation Plus games and offers

On the US PSN Store, there's 20 percent off the abovementioned Dragon Fantasy Book I for PS Plus subscribers. This means you can snap it up for just $7.99.

Beyond that, nowt. D'oh.

PlayStation Mobile releases

Can the PlayStation Mobile section save the day?


There are no new releases in the PS Mobile corner of the PS Store this week. I make that two weeks in a row. Eek.

PSP and PSone Classics

I hate to sound like a broken record, so I won't. You can guess the rest.

Well, there are some price drops on PSP games in the US Store: Beats now retails for $2.99, for example, while LocoRoco Midnight Carnival has been reduced to $5.99.

And we're done. Next week will be better. Probably.


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